'Rejuvenate' a Mother/Daughter retreat.
I can vouch that being a parent is hard. It is rewarding, challenging, amazing and frustrating all at the same time.
I can also say that I wasn't a teenager all that long ago (well- I may be telling a little white lie there!) but I do work with teenage girls all the time and can relate that being a teen girl can be pretty dam challenging too.
So here at TGC we have run plenty of workshops with both primary and secondary students (mostly tweens) but we decided it was time to introduce something a little different. Something for older teens girls and their mums!
After all, my mum is now one of my best friends- but she wasn't always. I remember being very resistant towards her. I treated her in a way I wouldn't dare treat a friend (or I'd have none left!)
So imagine this.....a beautiful day at an AMAZING location. Spending quality time together pampering both yourselves and your relationship. Relaxing spa treatments, sharing a yoga class, mother/daughter craft activities, educational talks, an awesome picnic lunch together and much more!!!
I know the money may be an issue for some people, but I assure you it is a bargain for what is included. And you can't put a price on bonding, improving your relationship and having a fun and memorable day together.
Hope to see you there!