SUMMARY POST- How have I changed in the last 30 days? Today I had to give a summary of my experience with the Girlspo+ Guide. Check out my Flickagram on The Girl Campaiagn Instagram page!!!!

Day 30 of the Girlspo challenge! Wow! Firstly thank you @girlspo for inviting me to be a brand ambassador. I know my following isn't amazing but I believe the Girlspo and The Girl Campaign have a lot in common. I have loved every day of this challenge. (Maybe not the selfies but everything else haha.)
I have found my Girlspo guide journey fun, challenging, rewarding and truly worthwhile. I feel like a happier and more confident person and believe that what I have learnt will help the participants of The Girl Campaign.
In my very first post the quote included 'what you water is what grows.' That is what I've really concentrated on. (This has mostly included watering myself to grow more positive thoughts about myself!) What I have found most astounding is that I have said NO on 2 separate occasions in the last 30 days and for me this is very rare. I have shaken off some things that I was worrying about as they were out of my control and have also accepted that some people are simply not good for me to be around. A few weeks ago I was shedding tears over this, but you know what???? I feel ok about it now!!!! I have also tried to be so honest with all of my posts. Maybe too honest at times 🙊 So thanks to those of you that have been reading. I have also put this challenge under the Blog section on my website. And if you haven't already check out The Girlspo + guide. Maybe you have a friend who you could buy a copy for (it would make a lovely present!) Actually if you are a girl just buy one for yourself! It's a worthwhile investment!!! It's is the best thing I have done for myself. 💗💕💗